B&NES Placemaking Plan

The B&NES placemaking plan is a way for communities to help inform & influence the location, size & style of future development in their areas.

The Stowey Sutton Parish Council, working with community volunteers thoroughly assessed & recorded the existing character, design style & streetscape of the communities in the parish during November 2013, the resulting "Community Character Assessment" describes the communities as below.

The parish of Stowey Sutton, which includes the village of Bishop Sutton and hamlet of Stowey, nestles into the Chew Valley, partially washed over by the green belt and The Forest of Avon, with much of the rural part of the parish included in the Mendip Hills AONB, the Chew Valley Lake and Burledge Sites of Special Scientific Interest

The settlements have developed slowly over a long period, with properties ranging from old agricultural and mining cottages to modern estate developments.

The two settlements predominantly comprise of well-maintained older properties which, regardless of size, are well spaced, with both front and rear gardens, generally good access roads and minimal on road parking.

The settlements have maintained a good green infrastructure, with views of mature trees visible from almost every vantage point, with the exception of one recent development, where properties are at a much higher density, with less adequate access roads and off street parking and very limited planting of trees to maintain the village’s character.

It is important to ensure that future development is more appropriately representative of the overall character of the village of Bishop Sutton. This might be achievable through encouraging the application of the Forest of Avon Garden Forest design principles, as they closely match the existing built environment of these settlements.

Download the PDF Click Here to download the
full Community Character Assessment

In April 2014 we began work on the next phase of the B&NES placemaking plan, which involves identifying "Assets of Community Value" these can include buildings which are typical of the existing community style, providing a good example for future development to follow, together with buildings, community & open spaces which are important influences in defining the character of this community.

Working with community volunteers a number of properties & sites were identified, the owner of each property was written to, with the details of their properties entry, together with the statement provided by B&NES outlining the implication of being included (there are no negative effects from being included as this is simply a collection of typical local design).

Following this consultation two property owners requested that their homes were not included in this document, so they were removed.

The remaining Assets of Community Value were shown at the public engagement events on the 15th May 2014, booklets and a video presentation were presented at the event, to the general approval of everyone that commented.

Several people at the public engagement event suggested the inclusion of a number of key hedgerows in Bishop Sutton & these will be considered in the final draft.

Download the PDF Click Here to download the
booklet of Assets of Community Value

The final draft of the Assets of Community Value will be considered at the June 4th 2014 Parish Council meeting, once they have been approved they will be sent to B&NES for inclusion in the Placemaking Plan.